
Adult - $40
Students -$25 (until high school graduation)
Seniors 60+ - $25

Key Fob Cost: $10 per fob at sign-up. Replacement fobs are $10.

Family Discount: Any family with over 3 immediate family members in household that pays with automatic EFT payment through bank will receive 5% discount

If you sign-up and pre-pay for a year you only pay for 11 months and receive the 12th free on us.


How to join

Want to join?

Call (608) 732-4880 or email feverriverfitness53803@gmail.

click here to schedule an appointment!

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How it works

Once you join, you will receive a key fob. Once we set you up you can come into the gym any time any day. Just swipe the keypad the entry and you will get in!